My favorite topics are the ones that are controversial. The concept of maintenance discipline definitely falls under this category. For those who are not familiar with it, maintenance discipline is a punishment given for a general cause or for no specific cause at all. An example of this might be if a girl receives a spanking once a month, once a week, or at any chosen interval of time regardless of how her behavior has been. Another example would be if a girl has been well behaved and not earned herself any punishments for a certain length of time, she is given maintenance discipline.
The controversy starts when people see this as a punishment without justification. A girl might ask "why should I be punished if I have been behaving?" Some might think that if a girl successfully goes a length of time without earning herself any punishment then it would be counterproductive to give her maintenance discipline. It may come off as being cruel and unusual to many who spank for discipline to do it without any direct cause.
What is the purpose of maintenance discipline? There are many different reasons I've heard for this, but some of the popular ones are these. It could act as a simple reminder to behave in the near future. It could be for accumulated minor misbehaviors that have gone without punishment. A reminder of who is in charge. Stress relief for either the spanker or the spankee. A preemptive measure against future misbehavior. An attempt to directly influence a girl's general attitude. It even could be a way to show a girl that she is loved.
How severe should maintenance spanking be? I find that for most this ranges from being a light punishment to one that is equal to a true disciplinary spanking for misbehavior. It may not seem fair to give a harsh spanking for no direct cause, yet it could also be argued that there is no point in giving a spanking if it is not going to leave an impression on the girl. If the goal is for it to be a reminder of what a spanking feels like, then it makes sense for it to be like a typical spanking for misbehavior. If it is about addressing minor misbehaviors or showing love then perhaps a lighter spanking could work. At any level of severity there will still be the element of shame that comes from losing clothing, being on display for the spanking or corner time, and of course being spanked like a child.
There are a few articles on this around online, but I thought I'd point one out in particular. Sir Don wrote a great article about how maintenance discipline can work in a Christian domestic discipline relationship between husband and wife. Here is a link to that article.
I have updated this to include a post made by the very popular and ever interesting Angie. She reposts some comments she made on the LDD site article about maintenance discipline. Thank you for pointing this out Angie. Here is a direct link the post on her 360. Do yourself a favor and check out all her other posts too if you haven't already.
It is difficult to find a picture that represents something as abstract as maintenance discipline. I chose a piece of art created by a talented artist named Roger Benson. It was created in black and white and later colorized by FST. We can't know the circumstances of the two girls being disciplined in this illustration, but one assumption could be that they are receiving some sort of maintenance discipline. The two parents work as a team, the mother first collecting panties so that the father can do the work of warming the girls' bare bottoms. If indeed two girls were living under the same roof it makes sense that they would be given maintenance at the same time. But what about the mother? Does she not receive maintenance discipline? Is she allowed enough dignity by her husband to take hers later in private?
I've only had to go undergo maintenance spanking during one period of our relationship, and had Lots of worries about it before it happened. I have a post on my blog about the experience if you are interested, check out the story index tag, and you are welcome to link it here if you want.
Thanks Angie! I have edited the post to include a link to your entry on maintenance discipline.
I suppose that maintenance discipline might be very good but only for those who understand it, say wives and adult daughters. For once I would listen to their opinion and maybe even to follow it.
Of course without such soft reminders, punishments will be harder (in more ways than one) and not so seldom...
maintenance reminds you of your place.
I always love your blogs. please! haha
my hubby will use maintenance spankings on me time to time seem to help when i been behaving for a long spell ........................
i want one!
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