The idea of disciplining a girl in public is one that I know some people are strongly against. To quote one girl I talked with loosely, "it is between my mother and me, nobody else." This seems true at first glance, but a girl's behavior can have an affect on anyone she comes into contact with. In the picture from my previous post the boy was certainly a victim of the girl's misbehavior. Most would agree that he deserved to see justice done. But what if a girl misbehaves in a public place in front of strangers?
The main issue of course is not appeasing the people who may have seen a girl misbehave, rather it is about making sure the girl does not repeat the same misbehavior in public again. Waiting until later at home seems viable, but delaying punishment might give a girl a sense of being immune while she is in public. This would cause further misbehavior. The same might be true if she knew public punishments would be excessively mild or without any loss of clothing. It is understandable that a full punishment would not be able to take place in public, but it should still be a significant one. Punishing again or more at home later is a given.
If we assume embarrassment is an important part of the disciplinary process, doesn't punishing in public make sense? The added embarrassment from being punished in front of others like a child would certainly drive the lesson home that much stronger. This would encourage good behavior in public.
It goes without saying that some places are unsuited to punish in no matter what happens. Places like a public library or the movies for example, where it is important to be quiet and let others focus. Yet even those locations have bathrooms or parking lots that would offer a place to discipline. It makes sense that a public punishment would be a spectacle and cause some people to stare, but it shouldn't be a direct annoyance to strangers. Imposing too heavily upon people unknown to you isn't a good idea.
Although the punishment in many people's minds would mostly consist of bare bottom spanking it could be other things too. Simply taking away clothing on the spot or having a girl wear some sort of punishment outfit might be enough alone without spanking. I have even heard of applying burning creme. I'd be interested to hear what other methods people use when they deal with misbehavior in public.
My concern about public punishments is not the embarrassment it causes the girl -- that is a positive -- but that it might make others who witness it uncomfortable. If my girls misbehave while in a store or almost anywhere else, I will tell them what awaits them when we get home and, if the circumstances are appropriate, have them stand facing a corner in the store to think about their misbehavior and the consequences. Some passer-byes understand why she is in the corner, others don't even notice, but I don't think it makes them uncomfortable. But the girls are quite embarrassed by it.
I think public punishments were more popular back in the day. Now a days with people being so against spanking do so would almost surely get you arrested.
I agree with Cyndi- if it were not for that aspect i may have a different opinion in some circumstances. There are certain areas where it is illegal as well.
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