I assume my interest in discipline comes from a period of time when I was growing up. Although I was not spanked more than a handful of times when I was perhaps 6 or so, I do have a cousin who was spanked regularly until she moved out at 19. She is a year younger than myself.
When I first witnessed my cousin get spanked she was 14. This of course was fascinating to me. From then on I tried to be around to see her get spanked as often as I could. I also never hesitated to inform her mother when I felt she was violating rules or in need of correction. I don't consider my reaction to be special at all. It seems to me that most people in my situation would have responded the same. When my cousin was 15 I was given the authority to spank her myself. This was a bit of a change, but I had already been helping some with her spankings prior to that. Not to mention that my reporting of my cousin's actions had caused her to receive many punishments she would have otherwise not gotten.
Even though I was only a year older, my cousin was spanked while I was not. Her mother felt that spankings are a girl's punishment. My cousin not only felt this was unfair, she also felt that she was too old to be spanked. I thought a lot about things like that growing up and reached some firm conclusions regarding those issues. I believe spanking is a punishment for children, girls, and women. No girl is ever too old to be spanked. I realize that some don't share these views and may in fact react with anger at hearing them, but I won't lie about what I think. If nothing else the internet is a great medium for understanding how other people feel. I am always curious to know about what other people believe in, even if it conflicts with my own views.
To liven up an otherwise boring post here I have decided to attach another commonly seen illustration. Barb is a talented artist, I only wish she would make more art depicting females like this one versus the majority that don't.
Fascinating recollections. Would you care to share some eyewitness acccounts of your cousing getting it, either from you or mum? Or perhaps you would like to chat on IM if you prefer privacy?
Until 18 most boys could benefit from a spanking... girls of any age do deserve and need such soft way.
Men's way is harder than a red bottom!
You give your view but never explain why. Why do you think that Girls should be spanked and not boys/men. If you did something as naughty as your cousin how were you punished?
Even though this is an old post I can see how a little further explanation of my viewpoint may be warranted. First off, men are not better than women, or vice versa. Men and women are different though and sometimes need to be treated differently. This fact it plainly obvious, yet in today's world we are trained to include both genders equally in every situation. I won't go into too much detail here, but suffice it to say that when a boy becomes a man he needs certain things. Pride, ego, confidence, call it whatever you want. A girl becoming a woman doesn't need these things in the same sense. There are of course other obvious reasons including the strength and size differences, emotional differences, and even anatomical differences that make spanking obviously far more suited to females, but I won't go into that. In any case I believe the spanking of men is best left to the realm of sexual fantasy rather than for real life disciplinary situations.
In response to James's question, I did not get in trouble much at all growing up. At that age the most I got was a stern talking to. For me that was really all that was needed.
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