Another one of the many possible side dishes often served with a main course of spanking, mouth soaping is a punishment to be feared. Although it is most often given as discipline in response to foul language, it can also be used for backtalk or just general misbehavior.
Just as a spanking can cause lingering pain, mouth soaping usually causes a lingering taste. This is especially true if the girl being soaped is not allowed to rinse it out as much as she'd like to. A simple grounding or removal of privileges might be met with a "whatever" attitude by older girls or women. The benefit of mouth soaping and spanking is that they are very difficult punishments to ignore in such a way.
While mouth soaping can be a punishment on its own, usually it is given before a spanking. I have also heard of it being used after or during. The girl might be led to a sink where a lathered bar is worked around her mouth for awhile or she may have to bite down and keep a bar in her mouth during her spanking or corner time. There are doubtless many other variations on this involving liquid soap and water mixtures, washcloths, cutting soaps to size, etc.
Knowing that a mouth soaping will make a girl drool a lot of soap, it makes sense for her to be without clothing for it. This also helps ensure she will be cooperative. If she is being difficult it can often be resolved with a few quick spanks to her bare bottom.
It is important to understand that even though most soaps are non-toxic(make sure the one being used is!), they probably can still be poisonous if too much is ingested. The same can also be said for other things like alcohol, salt, and even water. For this reason many people advise against using liquid soap, as it is easier to swallow high concentrations of it. The goal should be to get the soap into every part of a girl's mouth, not into her stomach.