Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Women's Rights

Another issue that is somewhat controversial is that of women's rights. How do people feel about this? Assume we are talking about the USA. Should provisions exist for the use of traditional discipline by husbands with their wives? Should more laws exist to assure equality and fairness in the workplace between men and women?

People I have spoken with have had thoughts that ran from more equality is needed for women at work and home to women shouldn't be allowed to divorce or have careers. I think it is important to realize that issues like this aren't always one way or the other. Someone might feel a certain aspect should be more traditional while another should be more progressive.

One idea I have heard more than one person express is that girls should not be considered legal adults until they marry. This would circumvent some of the issues of women's rights in a sense. It would mean that until marriage a female would be subject to the rules and discipline of parents or legal guardian. Is this a good idea? A bad one? I'd love to hear from others on this and other issues on women's rights. A poll is far too simple to gain any meaningful statistics on how people feel about this. I will include one though regarding the issue of when a girl should be considered a legal adult.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Valid areas to spank

After speaking with many people I have realized that there are many similarities between traditional punishments, but there are also many differences. One thing that I find interesting is what area is typically covered in a spanking. If the goal is to leave a more lasting impression on a girl, the idea of spreading out the area of a spanking seems preferable versus giving a more severe spanking focused on only the bottom, which could lead to extensive bruising or blistering.

Traditionally when a spanking is given the area to be reddened is the bare bottom. It is very possible to give an effective spanking working only on the bottom, but there are other tender areas that can be effective to spank. In many cases the backs of a girl's thighs may be spanked. This seems an obvious extension of spanking the bottom and is usually easy to spank in the same position and with the same implement. Both bottom and backs of thighs are padded and tender areas that are safe to spank in most situations.

Beyond bottom and backs of thighs there are other commonly used areas nature has provided which can be more time consuming or difficult to spank. Some of these include palms, inner thighs, between bottom cheeks, breasts or other places. Would reddening palms be worth the time in most cases? This seems more a punishment to be used when trying to preserve a girl's dignity by not baring her. Preserving dignity shouldn't be a concern in most situations anyways, so this seems not worth it to me.

Spanking inner thighs and between cheeks makes more sense. These are both very tender areas. This also seems like more of a natural extension of spanking bottom and backs of thighs. Though getting to inner thighs may require changing positions, and spanking between cheeks may require changing implement. Spanking these areas will certainly take more time to do, but the results would probably be worth it.

Some people would feel that spanking breasts is an offensive idea. I try to keep an open mind about things like this. It goes without saying that this is something only suited to a female who is a legal adult or closer to being one than she is a child. The breasts seem like a valid area, being both tender and padded. From what I have heard it can be very painful as well, which does make it worth the time. Difficulties I can see would be doing this with an uncooperative woman. No doubt the urge for her to cover with hands or arms would be great.

I'd like to hear from others about what areas they think are valid ones. I am a fan of polls as it allows for people to express their opinion quickly without needing to write comments. I'll include one here and hopefully in future posts as well.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Some thoughts on my interest in discipline

I assume my interest in discipline comes from a period of time when I was growing up. Although I was not spanked more than a handful of times when I was perhaps 6 or so, I do have a cousin who was spanked regularly until she moved out at 19. She is a year younger than myself.

When I first witnessed my cousin get spanked she was 14. This of course was fascinating to me. From then on I tried to be around to see her get spanked as often as I could. I also never hesitated to inform her mother when I felt she was violating rules or in need of correction. I don't consider my reaction to be special at all. It seems to me that most people in my situation would have responded the same. When my cousin was 15 I was given the authority to spank her myself. This was a bit of a change, but I had already been helping some with her spankings prior to that. Not to mention that my reporting of my cousin's actions had caused her to receive many punishments she would have otherwise not gotten.

Even though I was only a year older, my cousin was spanked while I was not. Her mother felt that spankings are a girl's punishment. My cousin not only felt this was unfair, she also felt that she was too old to be spanked. I thought a lot about things like that growing up and reached some firm conclusions regarding those issues. I believe spanking is a punishment for children, girls, and women. No girl is ever too old to be spanked. I realize that some don't share these views and may in fact react with anger at hearing them, but I won't lie about what I think. If nothing else the internet is a great medium for understanding how other people feel. I am always curious to know about what other people believe in, even if it conflicts with my own views.

To liven up an otherwise boring post here I have decided to attach another commonly seen illustration. Barb is a talented artist, I only wish she would make more art depicting females like this one versus the majority that don't.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

The "original" OTK position

When someone says OTK one usually thinks of the over the knee position in which a girl's legs are draped perpendicularly across the thighs of the person spanking her. An article up at the CDD site labeled "Origins of OTK" points out that the position most people refer to as OTK is not the original position used with the term.

The "original" OTK position is when the spankee straddles the spanker's thigh and positions her upper torso to one side of the spanker. This means that the spankee's legs will be parallel to the spanker's legs. This may be hard to imagine so I have included a popular illustration of the "original" OTK position.

It should be noted though that it is preferable for the spanker to be sitting on a bed so that the spankee's upper torso is supported. The illustration makes sense for spanking a younger girl, but would probably prove unstable for an older daughter or wife. Also remember that if a girl was spanked in the original OTK position while over a bed, she would probably be straddling the spanker's left thigh instead of the right as depicted here. Here is a small excerpt from the CDD article followed by a link to the full thing. It is definetly worth a read.

"The following OTK position for disciplining wives is adapted from a method used and recommended by a registered nurse to paddle high school and college aged daughters. It is suggested in this forum because, as experienced husbands and fathers are aware, there is not much difference in paddling a rebellious teenager or her difficult mother. The preliminaries, procedures and product can be quite similar.

A common problem is finding a suitable alternative to lap positioning with taller females. When compared to over the lap - which older women often despise because, unless the woman is petite, it can be anything from awkward to precarious - the original OTK is safe and comfortable.

Over the lap positioning, with the husband seated on a couch or bed, attempts to duplicate the original OTK for the wife's torso, but fails to resolve the difficulty of what to do with about the legs. For reasons explained below - i.e., wedged positioning and leg pinning if necessary - the original OTK does away with distracting concerns over *making* the wife stay in *position*."
Origins of OTK

The article shows that the original OTK is a valid positon and better in many respects than the commonly known OTK position. Why then is it used so rarley in comparison? I'd be very interested to hear comments from girls who have been spanked in this original OTK position.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Entry for February 10, 2008

Trying to mess around with this 360 stuff and see how it goes.